PACO provided programming and schematic design of the facilities for the Automated Train at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. The Sky Train is a 24-hour automated transit service providing quick and safe transportation between key points in the airport and surrounding area.
PACO provided programming and schematic design of the facilities for the Automated Train at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. The train facilities for Stage 1 consisted of 1.9 miles of dual guideway, three stations and a maintenance and storage facility. The alignment is predominantly aerial with a short section of at-grade alignment. The Automated Train Fixed Facilities includes stations, guideway structures, maintenance, and storage facility (including a Central Control Facility), power substations and equipment rooms.
The 44th Street Station is an elevated center loaded platform with connections to the local light rail system, parking, and a future ground transportation center. The East Economy Lot (EEL) Station is an elevated center loaded platform with connections to the Airport’s existing East Economy Parking Lot. Terminal 4 Station will be an elevated center loaded platform on the south side of the existing terminal connected via new walkways entering at the passenger level. The train alignment is highlighted by several features and crossings that must be accommodated with more unique guideway structure types to traverse existing airport facilities. The Taxiway R aerial crossing guideway, between the Terminal 4 and EEL stations, crosses over existing Taxiway R via an aerial bridge structure.