MTA/LIRR – Long Beach Signalization Value Engineering

Nassau County, NY


Project Value:

Start & End Dates:
2014 – 2015

Owner Contact :
Robert Totillo

PACO serves as the linchpin that keeps construction projects on track and ensures successful outcomes. Here we showcase projects that are either ongoing, or that have been executed efficiently while maintaining the highest standards of quality.

PACO performed a Value Engineering study that included a Best Value Analysis for the design that will provide for the reasonable mitigation of future flood damage and will enable an expedited restoration of service after a flood event.

The reconstruction of the Long Beach Branch signal system included key design requirements to meet federal regulations. The design of the new permanent signal system needed to comply with Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) recommendations equal to the 100year Baseline Flood Elevation (BFE) plus 4 feet (i.e. 3’ “freeboard” plus allowance for a potential 1’ Sea Level rise) (ABFE). A major component of the design includes the construction of signal equipment platforms set at the ABFE. With a relatively small investment in platform construction, coupled with other water-resistant hardening mitigation, the design will result in life cycle cost (LCC) savings related to flood damage avoidance.


01. Value Engineering