Metropolitan Transportation Authority

PACO Group is helping to establish an all-agency State of Good Repair (SGR) / decision support tool (“SGR tool”) based on off-the-shelf software, capable of assisting the MTA establish investment priorities and outcomes for its Capital Programs. The tool will provide the MTA with strategic options for investment and overall value enhancement under various funding scenarios. This tool is being based on current and future asset management trends and capital investment planning at the MTA.

The assignment included a detailed review of the MTA agencies’ robust asset inventories with condition ratings that consider age, field conditions, anticipated useful life, and other characteristics. PACO Group is also providing cost estimating services to determine component and/or overall system asset replacement costs for inclusion in the program calculations. Using this information, PACO Group created funding scenarios by asset class, mode, and project condition impact. The SGR tool will help the MTA more strategically develop and manage its future capital program planning and inform strategic priorities.

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